
How Many Dogs Fall Out Of Car Windows A Year

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It happened to me. With a 60 lb. Black Lab at 7 months of age.

And the car was moving!

the force of the turn was just enough to toss him out

Lately, I've been seeing so many people riding around with their dogs in the car.

Some accept the windows completely down. Others have the windows partially rolled up, hoping to keep their dog from jumping out.

I'm hither to tell yous: a canis familiariscan fall out of a window that is half-way or even most of the style rolled upward!

Here'southward my story…

Initial Thoughts

I would gauge that the risk of this happening is probably directly proportionate to a dog's overall weight and size.

As I said, ours was a relatively large canis familiaris with a lot of body mass.

He had been on several car rides earlier. He was always well-mannered in the motorcar, and sat still most of the fourth dimension — with his olfactory organ out the window and ears flapping in the wind.

This is an example of how far the windows were rolled downwardly on this particular day:


Every Dog Has His Day

On this day, I had both Destin (the unfortunate victim) and Jersey (the white canis familiaris) in the back seat of our Jeep Yard Cherokee. Both rear windows were one-third of the fashion rolled down. Information technology was a sunny Autumn afternoon.


I was stopped at a light, about to make a lefthand turn onto a 4-lane highway. (I was in the leftmost of 2 left turn lanes.) Dogs were fine.

When the light turned green, I accelerated slightly and began to option up speed on the highway when I heard a calorie-free "click clunk". (My tummy turns every time I relive this in my mind.)

I looked back, and noticed I only had one dog in the back seat. Not two. A quick glance at the road behind me in my rearview mirror showed nothing unusual. (Since I was in the midst of a turn, things were asymmetric.)

Completely flabbergasted equally to how one of my dogs could've vanished out of thin air, I immediately veered to the right-hand shoulder of the road. I was so panic-stricken and not thinking conspicuously, I'k very lucky that I didn't hit some other commuter (…at that place had been several drivers backside me also turning left from 2 turn lanes onto this iv-lane highway).

When I jumped out of the car and looked back to the intersection where I turned (about 40 feet back), I noticed my Black Lab only sitting there in the road looking confused equally to why I'd left him in such strange environment, and why all these cars were honking at him. Thankfully, another driver behind me must've seen him fall out. She stopped and stood beside him while holding onto his collar — which is probably the but matter that kept other cars from hitting him.

What they say about a person gaining incredible force in times of emergency is so true. I thanked the lady for stopping, then scooped up my 60 lb dog with shaking arms and tons of adrenaline rushing through my torso. Somehow I carried him across 2 lanes of traffic, walked 40 feet back to my auto with the dog in my artillery, and placed him on the ground side by side to the car — fully expecting him to exist whimpering and injure.

Nope. He was wagging his tail and nosing the car door, as if to say, "Tin I but get back in the car please?!"

I quickly examined him in the backseat of the car, and found all of his limbs working unremarkably. He didn't flinch when I poked, prodded, and bent every joint in his legs. And there was no blood to be found anywhere.

He immediately propped his nose back out the window and was ready to keep his auto ride. The simply strange thing I noticed at this point was the wind guard above his window had been broken by the weight of his body falling out the window.


I, of grade, was still shaking in my skin and could not believe what had just happened! It nonetheless baffled me every bit to how he got out of the car… I didn't think a dog (especially one this big) could go out of a window that was rolled up and so high.

For the return trip home, the dogs didn't have the joy of sticking their noses out the car window. Until I could call up clearly and rationalize the situation thoroughly, there were no more car rides with the windows partially downwards at all.

How Tin A Canis familiaris Autumn Out Of A Car Window?

For the life of me, I couldn't empathize how such a large dog could have squeezed through such a small opening. And I'd never heard of other dogs falling out of machine windows — not when they were mostly rolled up!

The fact of the matter is… I probably didn't accept the window rolled up high enough for such a large sized dog. And, when a dog is accustomed to leaning on the car door & window all the time whenever he's in the vehicle, then he's going to keep doing it — fifty-fifty when you're going around curves.

So I judge it was just this strange serial of events (the degree of the plow, the dispatch of the speed, and the weight of his body) which sent our dog tumbling out the car window. And who knows?… Peradventure something caught his attending, causing him to lean actress difficult or stick his caput out further than usual this time.

It doesn't really matter, because what happened happened.

The Safety Precautions We Now Take

The only thing that eases my mind about what happened on this solar day is this: I learned a very valuable lesson. The end result could have been much different, had it happened on some other solar day and with the vehicle moving much faster or with other cars closer behind me.

Without a dubiety, I was interim irresponsibly and putting my domestic dog'due south life at risk each time we took him for a ride in the auto. I simply didn't know better at the time.


A few days subsequently, I went out and purchased dog seat belts for both dogs, and now we ever make sure that they are tethered to the seatbelts in our vehicles at all times. (What I'm calling a dog seatbelt is really a seatbelt extender of sorts — it clicks into your vehicle's seatbelt, so clips onto your dog'due south collar.)

A few weeks after, I took information technology a step farther, and purchased a domestic dog harness for each dog, considering I felt that with the correct dynamics in identify (a sudden stop or a abrupt turn), a canis familiaris could still be thrown from the vehicle under certain circumstances. The chances are probably slim, but it could happen — especially with larger dogs — and I didn't want to accept any chances.

So now we connect the domestic dog seat belt to each dog's harness, instead of to their collars. (Nosotros use 2 dog seatbelts and 2 dog harnesses.)

And we even bought them a doggie mentum residuum to residual their heads on while we're driving. The best part: With the domestic dog harness and dog tether in identify, we are now able to roll the window down to a level that is more enjoyable for the dogs. Now, they tin can remain seated, with their noses out the window!


Hither are the 10 things we accept forth every fourth dimension our dog goes on a car ride.

An unrestrained 10-pound dog in a crash at fifty mph will exert roughly 500 pounds of pressure level, while an unrestrained fourscore-pound dog in a crash at only xxx mph will exert 2,400 pounds of pressure.  Imagine the devastation that could cause to your pet and anyone in the vehicle! Source

Happily Always After

scrape-mark-on-dogs-groin.jpgDestin appeared to be happy and good for you afterward this whole unfortunate incident. But I figured giving him a bath would enable me to find any smaller nicks, cuts, or scratches. The only one thing I found was this small scrape well-nigh on his abdomen/groin expanse:

Subsequently his bath, I added some Neosporin and the scratch was gone in a matter of days.


Destin showed no lasting effects from this traumatic outcome. I, on the other paw, accept been impacted for life. I cringe whenever I encounter people driving around with their dogs in the auto and the windows rolled downwardly. And even worse: when I meet a canis familiaris roaming effectually in the back of a truck bed!

I'm a huge advocate of canis familiaris seatbelts now. And our new canis familiaris, Tenor, has never one time been in the car without beingness buckled in using a dog harness. Tenor is actually our Jeep dog!


Do not overlook the fact that your domestic dog could possibly fall out, or leap out, or be catapulted similar a missile during a sudden end or car blow. Hither's the story of some other domestic dog owner who advocates the use of dog seat belts and a listing of the most dog-friendly vehicles.

UPDATE:  Our story appeared in the New York Times on 10/30/08. (That'southward Tenor on the right, riding in the dorsum of my Jeep.)



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